Life Is Too Short To Do A Job You Don’t Like

Life is too short to do a job you don't like

Life is too short to do a job we don’t like, to invest time and effort in something that, far from bringing us well-being and social identity, clearly leads us to unhappiness and feelings of misery. anxiety and frustration.

We all know how complex it is in reality to find the “ideal” job, the one that suits us perfectly and for which we have been trained.

Indeed, most of the time, we conform to the simple fact of having “a job”, it does not matter which one, because these days, the social and economic models have changed so much that the demand for employment does not correspond any more. to the offer.

Chances are most of us are doing the “wrong” jobs today, and even if they allow you to survive, you have a kind of apathy and hopelessness that deserves to be. faced one way or another.

We invite you to think about this for a few moments.

woman protecting herself from the rain

Doing a job that we don’t like

Many of us keep doing jobs that we don’t like, until we find the one that suits us and makes us happy. However, the most complicated will be to invest our entire work cycle on a task or an activity which, instead of fulfilling us, generates great frustration.

However, according to a study conducted by the University of Rhode Island in the United States, we can have a job that, even if it doesn’t fit us perfectly or is not the one for which we were trained, can make us feel good about ourselves, satisfied. Job satisfaction is evident in performance and in our quality of life.

On the other hand, and as many have experienced, doing a job that we don’t like for a long time can lead to a series of complex dimensions that many people can relate to.

The consequences of a job that does not suit us

  • The feeling of not contributing to anything, neither to his work environment, nor to society and even less to note fulfillment.
  • Having a job that doesn’t suit us can lead to frustration, stress and a poor quality of life that also affects our personal relationships.
  • The feeling of stagnating, of not advancing in any direction.
  • Lack of recognition from work agents: there is no organizational support for the task you are doing.
  • A drop in self-esteem when you see that great efforts only lead to few results, which, in addition, are negative. Both economically and personally.
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The union between ability and vocation to find the ideal job

We know well that it is not easy to find the job of our life, or at least a job that makes us feel good, satisfied with ourselves and with the feeling of contributing something to society.

In any case, we are all forced to adapt to a changing environment, or at least to offer something new.

And that is not that easy to obtain. For that, it would be interesting to reflect on these few interesting aspects which the expert in education and professor, Sir Ken Robinson, transmits to us in his book “The element: when finding your way can change everything!”.

“The element” is actually that point where everything meets everything that makes us feel good and that we want to do. Thus, this environment is the best suited to look for a job that comforts us.

If you don’t learn to go wrong, nothing original will ever happen to you

Accumulating jobs that don’t suit you has a certain positive side. Indeed, in this way, you will be able to find out what your limit is, what you are willing to do and what you are not ready to accomplish.

Another aspect to take into account is that we have to accept our mistakes, as well as our limitations.

Because they are invitations to change, to take advantage of our capacities in a more realistic and creative way.

Creativity is intelligence put into practice

Being creative at work means offering a different, high-value product that can be used by others.

However, you have to take into account that in order to be creative it is necessary to stay active, to be very receptive to the environment, thoughtful and connected with everything around us.

It’s not what happens in your life that defines you, but what you do with these opportunities that present themselves.

Some people are completely devastated when they get fired. They no longer know how to react, how to bounce back or which direction to take.

However, how we react to these types of situations will determine our direction.

You can get lucky at some point, there is no doubt about it.

However, one-off luck should be appreciated, as should those moments of adversity.

Instead of standing still, we need to stimulate intuition, opportunity, reformulate ideas, perspectives and even values.

woman on her motorbike

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