Loving Yourself: The Beginning Of An Eternal Love Story

Loving Yourself: The Beginning of an Eternal Love Story

The starting point of our life’s adventure is unconditional love for oneself. Indeed, throughout our life, we will have no other choice but to cohabit with ourselves. Loving yourself is essential.

To accept ourselves as we are, with our mistakes and our successes, our lights and our shadows, we must love ourselves.

Of course, loving yourself is not easy, especially when you become aware of all the requirements and other orders to which you must comply in order to be socially recognized. We must strive to make others admire us, and to feel connected.

Over time, we realize to what extent depending on the recognition of others makes us unhappy and creates in us a feeling of dissatisfaction that we do not know how to manage, since our world turns according to the others and the way they look at us.

It is not easy to understand that our personal worth goes beyond recognition, beyond our way of doing things, of our ability to achieve or not the objectives that we set ourselves.

Our value lies within ourselves, and our ability to show ourselves as we are.


I am worthy of love

We are all worthy of love. Often, we try to find love around us, since we have always been told that love is won.

Our being is imbued with love, even if we do not always live in harmony with ourselves, which has serious consequences.

In such conditions, it is more difficult for us to pay attention to our basic needs, such as expressing emotions that we have socialized or repressed.

We worry about everything and we are distracted by mundane things that do not enrich us and that do not add anything important to our life.

We suffer because of our expectations, our insatiable desire and our inability to make decisions, because of all the fears that have been instilled in us.


– What is love ? asked the disciple.

– The total absence of fear, answered the master.

– And what are we afraid of? asked the disciple again.

– Love, retorts the master.

-Anthony de Mello-

Love yourself so you can love others

If we want to love truly and sincerely, the first step is to love ourselves, to feel worthy of love, and this without judging ourselves, in order to be able to understand and respect ourselves.

This therefore requires the validation of our feelings, our feelings, and our needs according to the circumstances. We have to take care of ourselves.

Often times, we find ourselves disconnected from ourselves, we don’t take care of ourselves, and we don’t want to open our eyes to all the things that we miss.

Therefore, all of our energy will shift into caring for others. We will offer them the understanding and attention that we are unwilling to give ourselves.

Thus, our self-esteem fades, and we fill the void that is widening in us, by dedicating ourselves to others.

It is essential to love yourself if you want to love others, but also if you want to be able to receive the love of another person, and thus have confidence in the love that the latter can offer us. .

If we don’t learn to feel worthy of being loved and if we don’t start by loving ourselves, then it will be very difficult for us to be receptive to all the beauty that others can bring to our life. .


“I was only able to help others when I found myself. If I want to help them, I must totally understand myself and above all, have Infinite Love for myself. ”



Yes, these words are for you, you who have all the love in the world at your fingertips

You have been taught that love is won, that love is a whole series of conditions, and that one must make a significant effort in order to come to feel worthy of being loved.

This is why you tend to be wary of all the beauty that others offer you, this is why sometimes you feel lonely.

Simply because you have not seen yourself, you have not recognized your own essence, you have not caught the light that radiates from your smile and your gaze.

You are a wonderful person worthy to be eternally loved, worthy of gratitude, smiles, joy, harmony and well-being… as well as all the beauty that surrounds you.

But, above all, worthy of yourself, of all the love that you harbor in your heart of hearts.

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