One Can Be Happy Having A Quiet Life

We can be happy having a quiet life

There are those who know from childhood what they want to do when they are older, what they are going to do “when they are older”. And there are others for whom it is more difficult to choose which path they are going to take.

But most people, if not everyone, ask themselves this same question: what am I going to do with my life? A dimension then emerges to establish its objective: to be happy.

Few people will tell you that they want to have a quiet life when they grow up. Indeed, what is this objective?

Our culture seems to be heavily focused on passion and dreams. For example, if you watch the most popular shows on TV, you will find that these are the ones in which people compete for the chance to live their dreams.

The idea that success, being the first, being successful in standing out from the crowd, accomplishing what no one has done before, and making a dream come true, is the way to go.

Nobody talks to us about the price we sometimes have to pay to get there, or that we may have other goals. Having a quiet life is also an option.

The ego’s permanent desire to distinguish itself

Having a gift or a talent isn’t always a good thing, and it doesn’t necessarily make you happy. 

In today’s society, it seems that if you do something well, you must necessarily exploit it, make it available to someone who can judge it and earn a living in this way (and at the same time, allow that ‘others do too).

We are being sold the idea that this talent makes us special and that we have to show it to the world.


The same thing happens with people who have great intellectual capacities. Either way, the smarter a person is, the more they are pushed to “get a big education” or to study something more difficult.

Even if it sounds crazy, the options are narrower, because you can’t “waste” such a great talent for studying. You cannot waste such a great talent to be happy.

Not achieving everything you desire can be beneficial

We easily dream of a happy and wonderful life,  full of professional and personal recognition, luxuries that we can afford thanks to our hard work and lots of opportunities to have a dream life, as we see. on the television.

We tend to base ourselves on this when setting our goals. We believe this is the way to do it.

But very often we are so obstinate in achieving what we want to do or what is expected of us that we forget a lot of things.

In this search for success, we accumulate stress, our personal relationships are affected by the achievement of these goals, and we easily neglect our emotional and even spiritual facets.


You will certainly think of many examples of people who are at their highest, who have succeeded in spectacular fashion, who are big names in their profession, but who live at the limit of their physical strength and sanity, without talk about their health.

People who are under great pressure and who, for one reason or another, have no choice but to continue like this, despite everything, because they have no alternative solution.

But surely you also know people who, for one reason or another, stopped pursuing a goal to change their life and who gained by the change,  or who simply had to stop what they were doing.

This quote refers to them:

The solution is therefore to be flexible to take the blows and to take advantage of a failure to grow internally,  to look inside yourself and not just beyond yourself.

What do you want to be and have in life? Accepting the cards that life gives you can make you a great game.

The fundamental purpose of life is to seek happiness

Is being happy really a viable goal for those around us? Basically, we all know it’s difficult, at least under the conditions imposed by today’s society and with our common tendency to complicate our lives.

Simplifying things can mean a great opportunity to seek that desired happiness.


Everyone must find their own way of looking for this path, without feeling guilty for taking one path or the other, and respecting the path that others want to take.


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