The 5 Languages ​​of Love According To Gary Chapman

We all know that love can be expressed in a thousand ways, and probably we have all known at some time or another in our life someone who expresses their love in a different way from ours; however, although expressed differently, it is still love. Sometimes we also find ourselves with people who seem to dislike; in fact, the point is that they also use different love languages ​​than the ones we use.

Love, like language, has many nuances. This is why in 1995, Gary Chapman devoted himself to describing the 5 types that, according to him, could exist in the language of love, both in the way of expressing it and in the way of receive it.

There are generally two types of language that we use and with which we feel more comfortable to express ourselves and to best capture the love that is addressed to us. Perhaps we also express our love to others in one way, and receive it from them in another. Here are the 5 languages ​​of love according to Gary Chapman:

Physical contact is one of the simplest love languages ​​to communicate, since it requires no words. People who prefer this type of language to others enjoy hugs and hugs and feel comforted in the arms of the people they love. Children, when this type of language is predominant in them, feel relieved when we hug them, massage them or sit them on our knees.

Older children (especially boys between 7 and 9 years old) who prefer this type of language of love can express it in unique ways, namely through arguments, freestyle wrestling, football, basketball, but physical contact remains the element that makes them feel loved.

When it is the words that count more, love is written in this language of love, preferred by people who need words of affection, praise, calm through a good speech, of motivation through well-written fragments. Their way of expressing their love will be defined more by love letters, where they feel free to express through words whatever they feel.

Words have incredible power over us and leave a mark on our behavior even if they only appear briefly. Realizing the power we have over the language of love through words leads us to create a new world to express and receive affection and tenderness.

Devoting time to the people you love is a way of expressing to them what you feel for them. Reserve quality moments in our schedule where we can devote ourselves body and soul to the person who accompanies us. So what we do matters less than who we do it with.

There are people who prefer to express their love by giving and receiving gifts. These gifts do not have to be tangible or expensive; what matters is the time we have spent thinking about what to offer, the love with which we offer our gift to the other, and the opportunity we seize to know more about the person through details. The gift then represents a way of expressing the love that one feels for the other, but not an end in itself to obtain something.

Here, we tell you about the acts or tasks that the other performs to show us what he feels for us ; for example, preparing a meal with love, taking care of the home, looking after ourselves when we are sick. They are simple acts, but which are the mark of an interest in the other.

Now that you know the five languages ​​of love according to Gary Chapman, maybe it will be easier for you to see that love is not always expressed in the same way for everyone, than it is for everyone. it can be manifested in many languages ​​and knowing them all gives us the opportunity to know how to love best.


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