The Long-term Effects Of Cannabis On The Brain

The long-term effects of cannabis on the brain

The use of cannabis is a very controversial subject. Dozens of studies are accumulating to determine its benefits and harmful effects. Moreover, as this substance becomes legal in countries, experts are wondering about the usefulness of cannabis. Is the medicinal use of cannabis and its derivatives useful? How dangerous are these substances? What are the long term effects of cannabis on the brain.

Cannabis is very popular as a recreational drug. Its therapeutic use is also very well established. Cannabis-derived products or essential oils are used in the treatment of chronic pain. Or even epilepsy. However, a new study claims that cannabis use can damage the brain in the long run.

Cannabis use can damage the brain in the long run

Recently, scientists from the University of Lisbon in Portugal and Lancaster University in the UK carried out a study. She analyzed the long-term use of cannabis and its possible dangers. The findings, published in the Journal Of Neurochemistry, indicate that there is indeed a significant danger. Indeed, regular consumption of cannabis could damage memory. 

The researchers focused their efforts on a cannabinoid-like component called WIN 55,212-2. They observed its effects on the brain. Using mice as experimental subjects, the researchers found that after continued exposure to the substance, rodents showed “significant memory alterations.” In reality, they were no longer able to tell the difference between a familiar object. And an object that was not.

Now let’s take a break before continuing. Cannabinoids are all chemicals, regardless of their origin or structure, that associate with cannabinoid receptors in the body and brain. They have effects similar to those produced by the cannabis sativa plant  (hemp or marijuana).

cannabis and brain damage

Effects of cannabis on the brain

Using neuro-imaging techniques, the researchers were able to see that this cannabis-derived substance affects regions of the brain involved in the processes of learning, storing and accessing memories. 

Chronic exposure to this substance affects the brain more. Researchers explain that this affects communication between regions of the brain that promote learning and memory. They state: “ Our work clearly shows that the prolonged ingestion of cannabinoids, when carried out for medical reasons, has a negative impact on brain memory function ”.

Ana Sebastião, lead author of the study explains that “it is important to understand that the drug can restore balance in certain disease conditions such as epilepsy or multiple sclerosis. But it could cause marked imbalances in healthy individuals ”. She also recalls that “cannabinoid-based therapies not only have beneficial actions associated with the disease, they also have negative side effects ”.

Is it possible to reduce the side effects of medical cannabis?

The findings of this research derive from a preliminary study carried out by Sebastião’s team. An effect of cannabis has been discovered: long-term cannabinoid use affects recognition memory. It is the type of memory that allows us to remember people and objects with which we are familiar.

Then, in this other study, the researchers made a suggestion on how to compensate for this negative result: by the use of a drug linked to caffeine. These results are very important for the development of pharmacological strategies. These will be intended to reduce the cognitive side effects of the therapies currently used based on cannabinoids. These proved to be effective against various disorders of the nervous system ”, Sebastião pointed out.

side effects of cannabis on the brain

Neil Dawson is a co-author of the study. He explains that “ this work offers valuable new information on how long-term cannabinoid exposure negatively impacts the brain. Understanding these mechanisms is fundamental to understanding how long-term exposure to cannabinoids increases the risk of developing mental health problems. And memory problems. Only their understanding will allow them to be mitigated ”.


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