The Positive Sides Of Anger

The positive sides of anger

Depending on the point of view you take, things can be positive or negative. While it is true that anger has a bad reputation and has dug its own grave, we must learn to see the bright side of this emotion.

There is a silver lining to getting excited, as long as things are balanced.

Getting angry isn’t always negative, and expressing it correctly can help us avoid many problems, including illnesses.

Anger is at a higher level than annoyance or irritation, although these three words are often used synonymously.

Anger research recently revealed that while we think this emotion is negative, it actually isn’t.

Anger is not only used to make us feel bad, to create unnecessary quarrels, to say things that we later regret and to overlook the significance of our actions.

It can also benefit us if we know how to use it in our favor.

However, anger has been doomed for years, and viewed as something destructive, which should be avoided or concealed.

Even today, we keep this idea and try by all means not to show our anger. We believe that it is unreasonable, that it should not be named or shown.

What are the benefits of expressing anger?

As with all emotions, anger also has responsibilities, a purpose, and a reason to exist. It can therefore be used for good purposes.

– First, anger is a force that motivates you. How many times have you, after getting so angry about something, work to improve the reason for your anger?

Anger is a way of breaking down the mental and emotional barriers that we put on ourselves so as not to do things differently. If something makes us angry, it is likely to be resolved.

– Second, it is proven that people who are angry are more optimistic. It may sound strange, but it is true.

The people who get angry about one thing in particular are the ones who intervene the most in the case. So they know when something can work in the future and are less pessimistic.

– Third, anger can help us bond.  Anger being a way of communicating what one feels, it is excellent for explaining to others what one is thinking or feeling.

From a young age, we are taught that anger is bad and dangerous and should not be shown. However, if we expressed our anger, there would be fewer problems.

The fact of concealing your disagreement with something or someone prevents any connection with others.

Did you know that anger helps us get to know each other better? Indeed, it gives us an idea of ​​what we really are, and how we react to events.

It gives us very valuable information, if we use it intelligently. It helps us to form an opinion of ourselves and to understand our lives a little more.

– Fourth, anger serves to reduce violence. You have probably reread this statement twice, which leaves you skeptical.

As expressed in the previous points, anger has to do with the urge to solve a problem, with the fact of not accepting what is unfair and of seeking a solution for every situation.

– Finally, anger can be a good negotiation strategy.  Many people use this feeling to get what they want.

While we cannot say that this technique is legitimate, it is perhaps another characteristic of anger that is worth exploring.

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