The Weather Changes Us All

Time changes us all

Time is linked to the experiences of our life. So these two things make us learn, know and change.

We are so tied to time that it seems to get longer or shorter depending on our state of mind and our expectations in life.

Time does not pass in vain as they say, let alone if we focus on what we were 10 years, five months or three weeks before the present moment, because we know very well that there is nothing more relative than the years.

We have a habit of measuring time in key events that marked us and that we will always remember.

Living means experience and experiences measure time

Any emotion that arises from direct contact with reality implies a change.

We can travel and discover new ways of life, meet people with thoughts and habits we didn’t know, form a family, lose someone we thought we had by our side forever, discover love or hate , etc. All of this will change us without even realizing it.

What is certain is that living has several costs, and one of them is that of living experiences and linking them to our time of life.

Certain moments will mark us so much that we will think that they lasted longer than their real duration, and others, on the other hand, will appear fleeting to us.

So, we say that we change over time, because living implies different prices, including the one we just discussed.

Pajaro cogiendo el lazo del pelo de una niña

In addition, we generally report the most negative or positive experiences we may have as being responsible for our personality changes, and sometimes even physical ones.

The extremes will always make the difference: we never forget true happiness, but neither do we forget falls and hard knocks.

Don’t fight change

It is obvious that in some emotionally extreme situations we change, as these force us to go deep into ourselves and see ourselves as we have never seen ourselves before.

We then discover things and values ​​that we did not know, and feelings that we had never felt before, and this forces us to order the mess of our interior.

If we have a bad time, we will surely come out stronger; if we got it wrong, we will know that we don’t have to do the same thing again next time.

If we have been happy, we will simply conform to what has been good and we will run away from sadness etc.

What is certain is that we will never be the same again after a new experience or with the passing years, because time transforms us and shapes our person.

So, there is no point in resisting change. Wanting to run away from the fact that something has happened in our life and wanting to think that everything is going as before is useless, because it is not reality.

As someone once said: nothing is permanent except change. In other words, our essence will always be the same, but we will never be the same again.

The key is to know how to adapt and accept

If we can’t resist change, the only way to grow as people is to embrace it.

We are renewing ourselves, and if by any chance we can no longer be true to our principles, we must create new ones that help us to start over.

We should understand that time is running out and that we are the only ones who can decide what we want to do and how we want to enjoy it.

Pareja abrazada mirando al mar

Just as time changes us, it also changes the people around us and, therefore, it affects our common relationships.

It is essential to understand that accepting the change of oneself is just as important as accepting the change of the other, as long as it does not directly harm us. In these circumstances, the other person will surely also need our adaptation.

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