This Short Film Will Teach You More About The Power Of Emotional Intelligence And Friendship

This short film will teach you more about the power of Emotional Intelligence and friendship

Monsterbox is a feast for the senses that will capture your heart.

The colors are hypnotic, the music exquisite, and the characters are a tribute to the imagination, to emotions and to friendship.

That is why we recommend that you, if you have a child, to watch it with him.

You have certainly seen more than one short film on the subject of Emotional Intelligence.

However, we can assure you that Monsterbox goes much further, and that it weaves for us a true tribute to friendship, to these connections that are created with magic, patience, surprise… and in emotional intelligence.


Friendship would not be possible without adequate Emotional Intelligence. It is she who gives the spark to those emotions which know how to interpret gestures, which fuel a noble affection, which sharpen interests in someone, whether their appearance is different from ours or not.


Some people brag about knowing what friendship is. However, they don’t always manage to maintain an authentic and positive relationship for too long.

The link breaks and vanishes without us always knowing very well why.

These people do not consider another point of view than theirs, and approach life by relying only on their somewhat selfish gaze; this is the reason why nothing really fits with their “personal puzzle”.

Monsterbox invites us to make a striking reflection on this subject. You will see some very weird creatures appear that don’t seem to “match” with each other.

And yet, they do. The protagonists, a child and an old man, don’t seem to have much in common; and yet …

A very common “watch case” …



And you… how many friends do you have? What color are they ? Do they have horns? Hooves ? Can they fly? Are they older or younger than you?

If you ask a child this series of questions, they are very likely to laugh.

However, thanks to his innocence, he will tell you right away that he would not mind being friends with a being with these characteristics.


Often times, we seek to bond with people who have characteristics in common with ours. But sometimes the resemblance does not enrich us; what unites two people is their values, not their age, the color of their skin or their tastes.


It is important to know how to listen, to take care of others, to take care of them, to respect them, to share things with them …

There are many values ​​that can unite us with another person in order to cement the best, most honest and most fulfilling friendship there is.

These are realities that we should also know how to transmit to our children, always on the basis of emotional intelligence.

Monsterbox is a good illustration of this: there is understanding and tenderness there. It doesn’t matter the physical forms, or loving the same things.

This short film shows how, at times, intense connections are established that go beyond appearances, even those passions that define us so much.

Friendship needs an internal gaze that knows how to understand


Sometimes it is not enough for us to have eyes to see things.

It’s more than that ; there are many who, even while wearing glasses, do not perceive the unhappiness of others or the hurtful power of certain words.

  • It is through emotional intelligence that we manage to develop this gaze guided by our emotional brain towards the outside, to understand and interpret the world.
  • We can begin to develop this perception which arises from the emotions from childhood; curiosity will guide the child towards the discovery of empathy, respect, that serene gaze which looks and understands.
  • The internal gaze of friendship knows patience, and above all, understands that the difference does not imply a threat or an obstacle to the harmonization of our affection, of our tenderness.

Promote emotionally intelligent surroundings

If there is something that catches our attention about Monsterbox , it is its color scheme , its attractive visual appearance and these wonderful characters and so different from each other not only because of their ages, but also their sizes. , or their shapes.

In a way, this short film promotes aspects that must be taken into account:

  • We are faced with an emotionally intelligent entourage.
  • Any situation implies a lesson to be learned as well as information. Every gesture invites us to take care of others, to understand their needs and their tastes. There are the big and the small, those who are looking for something and who ultimately find something else, better still.
  • It is a clear example of this interaction between generations, even between races where all learn by interacting with each other. There are those who enter the scene with great presence, almost frightening us, but who ultimately surprise us with something touching.

Monsterbox is, as we said, a visual experience to be discovered with the little ones that you must not miss.

Their creators are Ludovic Gavillet, Derya Kocaurlu, Lucas Hudson and Colin Jean-Suanier, and this delightful audiovisual piece was their end-of-career project. We’re sure you’ll love it!


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