Violence Can Be Learned … And Can Also Be Unlearned

Since we began to study violent phenomena in the human sciences in the middle of the 20th century, a question has tormented all researchers: is human violence instinctive or is it learned? ? A multitude of hypotheses have been proposed on this subject. But there is something very clear: all cultures, at all times, have exhibited aggressive behavior.

Concern around this theme has increased for several decades. The world wars have shown that there is no limit to the ability of human beings to hurt each other. This and many other facts have led us to regard ourselves, even, with fear of ourselves.

“Violence is fear of the ideals of others.”

-Mahatma Gandhi-

Perhaps because of these historical episodes, the concept of aggression has taken on a completely negative connotation. It hasn’t always been that way. Indeed, without the ability to aggress or respond to aggression, we could not have survived as a species. But the human being has carried the violence too far and this is what causes concern today.

Aggression and violence, two different concepts

Sometimes we think that aggression and violence are two similar realities, but they are not. Aggression is part of our instinctive equipment. We are born with it and we have its mark imprinted physiologically. It involves a series of physical and chemical processes that start automatically, without our being aware of it.

Aggression is biological. It helps us to enter a state of alert in cases of danger. It also serves to defend us when necessary and to adapt to the environment. It is normal and healthy, for example, for us to react aggressively if someone tries to push us to bring us down. Our survival instinct means that when faced with this threat, we respond with aggressive gestures or actions.

Violence, conversely, is cultural. It corresponds to all those behaviors intended to harm the other, for reasons different to the objective preservation of our integrity. Only the human species behaves violently, no other animal adopts this type of behavior.

Violence is therefore learned. Aggression is instinctive, but violence is symbolic. This means that we come into the world with innate tools to respond aggressively, when necessary to preserve life and integrity. But the desire and the tendency to harm others for several different reasons is instilled, learned. Which means that it can also be unlearned.

Learning and unlearning about violence

Almost all violent people justify their behavior with false excuses. Most argue that they hurt others to defend themselves, or to instill or learn something positive. It is also common to blame the victim for inciting this violence against them. And it is not uncommon for higher principles to be invoked, whether religious or political.

Behind these lies, there are complex ideological constructions, just as false. Violence is first symbolic (cultural), then physical. For example, in order to enslave black people all over the world, it was first asserted that they had no soul. A whole catalog has been drawn up regarding their inferior and vicious behaviors. Thus, the physical violence against them was justified. It is the same with women, natives and animals.

It is assumed that violence “in self-defense” can be allowed. However, there are many instances in history where this defense feeds on a non-existent threat. In several sacred books, it is said that women are the perdition of men. Likewise, in many sacred wars, each side opposes its God to that of the other and to erase Him from the face of the Earth is a laudable mission. And in several daily situations, we symbolically disqualify the other in order to establish the bases which allow him to be violated with total “conviction”.

Violence, therefore, is eradicated from the mind or not eradicated. We can put out the guns or stop the shots. But if we don’t see the other as a worthy fellow, the violence will return. Maybe she’ll take a non-physical form, like biting criticism, mockery, or icy indifference, but she’s still violence. We should not be afraid of aggressive feelings because they are part of our vital defense. But we must distance ourselves from violent impulses which, as we all know, only engender injustice and more violence.

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